The functions of foreign trade administration are performed by the Public Institution Rural Business and Market Development Agency.
Agency of Agriculture performs functions such as the evaluation of applications for agricultural products import/export licences, licencing and the administration of deposits.
The applicants, who seek to submit an application in order to obtain import/export licence, should sign agreements with the Agency of Agriculture.
The applicants, who have signed agreements with the Agency of Agriculture will apply applications for licences as usual, via the Information Portal of the National Paying Agency.
The aim of the European Union (EU) agricultural and food products foreign trade regulation is to stabilize internal market and monitor the volume of import and export products in the EU. In order to achieve this aim, EU has established a system of import and export licences.
Import licence (AGRIM)/Export licence (AGREX) is obligatory when the quantity of the particular imported/exported products exceeds quantities set out in Annex of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2016/1237.
As well, import licence AGRIM is obligatory for any quantity of product imported under the preferential or tariff quota arrangements.
Taking into account the provisions of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, which establish a common organization of agricultural products markets, refunds are no longer granted.
After Commision Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2016/1237 and Commision Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2016/1239 entered into force on 6 November 2006, certain provisions of licencing have changed.
Functions of the Export and Import Administrative Division:
- Administration of the system of agricultural products export and import licences
- Administration of the system of agricultural products guarantees
- Administration of the compensations system of agricultural products export
- Preparation of notifications on the use of the European Agricultural Guarantees Fund and the reporting about these notifications to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
- Coordination of surveillance measures applied by customs authorities in the implementation of the European Union agricultural and fisheries trading system
- Administration of agricultural products import tariff quotas, dispensed by licences
- Administration of agricultural products export, supplied as food aid
- Implementation of other functions.
For more information on import/export licencing please send it by e-mail or call:
Phone: +37065881995