Information for users

EU legislature, setting up common requirements in agriculture:

We would like to inform you, that having in regard Article 2(1)(a) of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1237 of 18 May 2016 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding the rules for applying the system of import and export licences and supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of the European Parliament and of  the Council with regard to the rules on the release and forfeit of securities lodged for such licences, amending Commission Regulations (EC) No 2535/2001, (EC) No 1342/2003, (EC) No 2336/2003, (EC) No 951/2006, (EC) No 341/2007 and (EC) No 382/2008 and repealing Commission Regulations (EC) No 2390/98, (EC) No 1345/2005, (EC) No 376/2008 and (EC) No 507/2008, from 1 October 2017 an import licence obligation to markets of fruits and vegetables (CN codes: 0703 20 00, ex 0703 90 00)  and products of refined fruits and vegetables (CN codes: ex 0710 80 95, ex 0710 90 00, ex 0711 99 80, ex 0711 90 90, ex 0712 90 90) is no longer applied.

We would like to inform you, that according to Commission Regulation (EC) No 341/2007 of 29 March 2007 opening and providing for the administration of tariff quotas and introducing a system of import licences and certificates of origin for garlic and certain other agricultural products imported from third countries, an import licence is a mandatory requirement for importing any amount of products (garlic CN code 0703 20 00), that are a part of order numbers 09.4104, 09.4099, 09.4105, 09.4100, 09.4106, 09.4102.

We would like to inform you, that after the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2016/1237 and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2016/1239 on 6 November 2016 entered into force on 6 November 2016, some provisions of licensing have changed.

We would like to inform you, that after the implementation of the project “Customs declarations submission electronically applying the one stop-scheme electronical service “, the aim of which is to create an electronic service for submission of Customs declarations electronically by applying the “one stop-scheme“, enabling executors of economic operations to submit the necessary information and customs declarations in the course of performing the import, export and transit formalities for goods and to obtain all relevant information in one place. Electronic and printed (paper-based) licences will be issued by the Agency. 

Printed (paper-based) licences will be issued in cases, where the applicant applies for:

  1. Licences when the entire quantity of the goods indicated on the licence for import/export procedures are planned to be drawn up not in the customs of the Republic of Lithuania.
  2. Issue of extract (in case when a part of the quantity indicated in the licence for import/export procedures is planned to be drawn up not in the customs of the Republic of Lithuania).
  3. Issue of an extract with a transfer of rights (in case, when the owner of licence have intentions to transfer a certain quantity of imported/exported product to transferee.

Printed (paper-based) licences in the above indicated cases will only be issued at the request of the applicant, i.e. by indicating “a paper licence” in the Box 21 of the PORTAL application. 


Please note that:

  1. The applications for licences (except applications for extracts) will be submitted electronically through the PORTAL system (guidelines) only after concluding the Agreement to electronically obtain and submit applications for import or export (hereinafter – Agreement). If the Agreement will be not concluded the applicant will not be able to obtain electronic/paper-based licences under which the goods for import or export procedures will be declared in the Customs of the Republic of Lithuania or EU member states.
  2. More detailed information on submission of electronic applications can be found here.
  3. An applicant, who has submitted an application for an electronic import/export licence electronically via the PORTAL system, has an opportunity to find out the status of the administration of the application/licence (in the “My Data” section), the reason of an application’s rejection, data on transfer of rights can be seen, licence report (in pdf format) showing not only the data on the first side of the electronic licence, but also the accounting of allocated quantities on the second side of the licence (the procedure of filling 29-32 boxes of the electronic licences is available here).
  4. When the import/export obligations of an electronic/paper-based licences are fulfilled, the applicant should submit a request in order to receive deposit, if there is a need to receive a deposit earlier than the electronic licence expires. If the request is not submitted, deposit will be administrated only after the time when electronic/paper-based licence expires, in case of printed (paper-based) licence – when the printed (paper-based) licence is returned to the Agency.


More detailed information on the EU legislation can be found in the Eur-Lex database here:

The integrated Tariff of the European Union (TARIC) data can be found here:

For the determination of the Combined Nomenclature code, please contact the Customs Laboratory of the Republic of Lithuania. The applicant is responsible for the correct submission of data for import/export licence in the applications and other related import/export licensing documents.

General Information

Import licence AGRIM/export licence AGREX is obligatory when the quantity of the relevant imported/exported products exceeds the amount of the quantities set out in the Annex of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EC) No 2016/1237.

As well, the import licence AGRIM is obligatory when  any quantity of product under preferential or tariff quota arrangements is imported.

In order to obtain an import licence AGRIM/export licence AGREX, it is necessary to submit an application and a deposit to the Agency (Submission of documents; Submision of deposit). The date of submission of an application should be considered as the date on which the Agency receives it by 13.00 hours Brussels time.

The administration of an application for obtaining an import licence AGRIM/export licence AGREX takes one day and the licence is issued on the day of submission of an application, unless:

  • the application is submitted for obtaining an import licence AGRIM is under preferential or tariff quota arrangements.
  • EU legislation on the import/export of individual product markets provides for a separate licensing procedure. 

Please note that the individual EU legislation regulating the import/export of individual product markets provides different time limits for the issue of the import licence AGRIM/export licence AGREX, the validity and the amount of the deposit.  

We would like to inform you that if EU legislation defining certain tariff quotas indicates that applications for obtaining import licences submitted by applicants after the EC has defined an allocation coefficient will result in one or more quantities being less than 20 t per application, the Agency shall allocate the quantities to applicants by the drawing of lots.

More general information on how the established foreign trade procedures are carried out can be found here: